One Village at a Time.

One Village at a Time.

One Village at a Time.

One Village at a Time.

One Village at a Time.
Welcome to
Ali Hasan Mangi Memorial Trust
Our mission is to help uplift the lives of people in impoverished village communities in the Sindh Province, Pakistan through integrated rural development. We started with Village Khairo Dero in District Larkana in 2008, aiming to create a model community where families have access to basic facilities such as water, cooking gas, shelter, toilets, built-up kitchens, electricity and small loans to improve income as well as community infrastructure such as a sewerage system, schools, free clinics, a public library, a playground and skills training. A decade later, we have expanded to almost 250 villages in three districts. Our model is based on the combined efforts of donors, our team and the communities themselves.
Changing Rural Communities.
Khairo Dero, Sindh, Pakistan...
Current Projects | Status |
Early Learning Center | Functional |
Primary Schools (Four) | Functional |
High Schools (Two) | Functional |
Scholarship Program | Active |
Adult Literacy Program | Operational |
Skills Training Program | Operational |
Technology Literacy Program | Active |
Community Library | Functional |
Community Clinic | Functional |
Medical Assistance Program | Active |
Disability Assistance Program | Active |
Children’s Playground | Functional |
Public Water Stand | Functional |
Women’s Loan Program | Active |
Business Support Loan Program | Active |
Disability Support Loan Program | Active |
Housing for the Shelterless | Active |
Provision of Water | Active |
Kitchen Gas Connections | Active |
Toilets in Every Home | Active |
Village Sanitation | On-going |
Solar Power Home Kits | Active |