Ali Hasan Mangi Trust

Emergency Response

Villages across Sindh were devastated by the unprecedented rains and floods of 2022. Hundreds of thousands lost their homes and suffered through sickness, injuries and loss of income. Established in 2008, the focus of the Ali Hasan Mangi Memorial Trust is to uplift the lives of people in impoverished village communities in Sindh, through integrated rural development. Fourteen years on, the Trust has worked in almost 250 villages in 3 districts of the province. Our core focus areas are Community Infrastructure, Family Assistance, Healthcare and Education. In August, we provided flood affectees with shelter, food, basic supplies and medical care. Then, we moved to providing dry rations to hundreds of families in dozens of villages. In midSeptember, we got to the major task of rehabilitation as thousands lost their homes. Helping rebuild homes will remain our focus in the months ahead. In a country already battling an economic crisis and political instability, this flooding has set our most vulnerable people back in the most unfathomable way. Please help make their lives a little easier at this most difficult time.

Relief & Rehabilitation Work Villages Quantity Expense (Rs) Beneficiaries
Shelter 3 -- 500
Cooked Food 12 89 Degs 353900 5600
Cash Transfers 6 100 500000 800
Medical Help Multiple -- 1104371 3503
Removal Of Water 1 -- 75615 5500
Dry Ration Bags 114 2071 10709830 22781
Tarpaulin Sheets 12 100 177000 1000
Tents 8 20 181300 280
Mosquito Nets & Repellant 21 710 247800 1124
Spraying of Villages 1 -- 7000 5500
Bedding & Clothing Multiple 400 305000 3568
House Rebuilding 80 560 37892448 4531
Total 246 56510684 54687