Ali Hasan Mangi Trust
Newsletter Summer 2024

Newsletter Summer 2024

The Ali Hasan Mangi Memorial Trust has built 3,388 toilets in 334 villages across five districts of Sindh. Our small but dedicated team has pioneered this affordable, practical model.

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Newsletter Winter 2023

Newsletter Winter 2023

Dear Friends,
In the last six months, we’ve forged ahead with our post-floods rehabilitation projects, helping families rebuild homes, install water hand-pumps and construct toilets. We have also undertaken some exciting new work in the field of healthcare.

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Newsletter Summer 2023

Newsletter Summer 2023

Dear Friends,
In the last six months, we’ve been fully engaged in the rehabilitation process following the disastrous floods of last year. We’ve taken a five-pronged approach aiming to address the major problems people in rural communities have faced in the aftermath.

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Newsletter Winter 2022

Newsletter Winter 2022

Dear Friends,

It was a Sunday evening. August 21, 2022. The rain had been pelting down for days. I had heard from people in villages that the night air now routinely crackled with the sounds of walls and roofs collapsing. I was anxious and on edge. I had spent much of the day arguing with privileged landowners trying to explain that they should let water be released through their lands to save people from losing their homes. My chest was tight and and my face flush with the anger of frustration of their refusals.

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Newsletter Summer 2022

Newsletter Summer 2022

Dear Donors, Supporters and Friends,
Welcome to your newsletter that covers the first six months of 2022. As always, our team has had a busy six months working on various different projects, aiming to continue serving the rural communities in Upper Sindh.

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Newsletter Winter 2021

Newsletter Winter 2021

Dear donors, supporters and friends,

The year 2021 holds special significance for us because for the very first time since we started in 2008, we have added a new member to our board of trustees. Taniya Zaffar Khan is not new to the Ali Hasan Mangi Memorial Trust and in fact has been deeply involved with our work for years. In November, we invited her to formally join our board so that we could better utilize her skills and expertise in improving our programs.

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Newsletter Summer 2021

Newsletter Summer 2021

Dear donors, supporters and friends,

After the challenges of 2020 brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic, we began 2021 with a focus on understanding the current needs of the communities we serve. As Pakistan went through repeated waves of the virus and subsequent lockdowns, we began to see rising applications for food assistance and our field team went door to door assessing how families were affected and how we could help.

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Newsletter Winter 2020

Newsletter Winter 2020

Dear donors and friends,
As this difficult year draws to a close and our team reflects on the months gone by, we all feel grateful that we did the best we could during unprecendented global upheaval.

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Newsletter Summer 2020

Newsletter Summer 2020

Dear donors and friends,
We hope that this newsletter finds all of you well and safe. As with everyone across the world, it has been a difficult year for us and the communities we serve due to the pandemic.

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Newsletter Winter 2019

Newsletter Winter 2019

Dear donors, supporters and friends,
You may recall from our Summer Newsletter that we spent most of the first half of the year on improving our internal projects. We built the Imam Mangi Public Art Hall that now offers free arts and crafts classes for children and adults and also provides a space and materials for free form drawing and painting.

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