Ali Hasan Mangi Trust
Newsletter Summer 2019

Newsletter Summer 2019

Dear donors, supporters and friends,
We began this year with two primary objectives. One, to build on the community infrastructure we have provided to the village and its surrounding areas in order to provide a greater variety of facilities for the public.

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Newsletter Winter 2018

Newsletter Winter 2018

Dear donors, supporters and friends,
Welcome to your newsletter for the last six months of 2018. This year, we had two primary areas of focus. The first was expanding our family assistance program to other villages.

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Newsletter Summer 2018

Newsletter Summer 2018

Dear donors, supporters and friends,
Welcome to your first newsletter of 2018. As you may have noticed, we have switched from a quarterly to a half-yearly newsletter to provide you with a more comprehensive update of what we have accomplished.

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Newsletter Winter 2017

Newsletter Winter 2017

Dear donors, supporters and friends,
A very happy new year to all of you from the entire team at AHMMT. We’re pleased to report having closed out the year with a bang and with your continued support, we look forward to expanding our work further in 2018.

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Newsletter Fall 2017

Newsletter Fall 2017

Dear donors, supporters and friends,

Welcome to your newsletter for the third quarter of this year. As always, we are excited to tell you about the development work we have been able to undertake in the last three months because of your generous support.

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Newsletter Summer 2017

Newsletter Summer 2017

Welcome to our second newsletter of 2017.

In this update, we decided to give you an overview of everything we have achieved so far since we started work in our project village of Khairo Dero in 2008. As you know, our organization’s purpose is to create a model of integrated rural development in which the community is an active participant.

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Newsletter Spring 2017

Newsletter Spring 2017

Welcome to your first newsletter of 2017.

As the year got underway we were faced with a challenge relating to one of the five government
schools we have adopted in Village Khairo Dero. Since we adopted the Govt Boys High School in 2014
we had been persuading the government-appointed headmaster to cooperate with us, perform his duty
and run the school properly.

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Newsletter Winter 2016

Newsletter Winter 2016

In the category of family infrastructure under which we help farmers and daily wagers build
shelter and toilets and gain access to solar electricity, kitchen gas and clean drinking water, we achieved
major goals this quarter. Our housing assistance project has since 2008 been helping families living
without shelter to build homes and assisting those living in dilapidated rooms near collapse to repair
and reconstruct. We provide bricks and/or roofing material and motivate the families to contribute other
material and put in the labour themselves. This both preserves their sense of dignity through self-help
and ensures a sense of ownership and participation in their own development.

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Newsletter Fall 2016

Newsletter Fall 2016

In the category of family infrastructure under which we help farmers and daily wagers build shelter and toilets and gain access to solar electricity, kitchen gas and clean drinking water, we achieved major goals this quarter. Our housing assistance project has since 2008 been helping families living without shelter to build homes and assisting those living in dilapidated rooms near collapse to repair and reconstruct. We provide bricks and/or roofing material and motivate the families to contribute other material and put in the labour themselves. This both preserves their sense of dignity through self-help and ensures a sense of ownership and participation in their own development.

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Newsletter Summer 2016

Newsletter Summer 2016

As the second quarter of the year got underway, we set out to help more families build their home infrastructure. In our housing project, we provided bricks while motivating the home owners to buy their own roof and also contribute the labour charges. This is in line with our principle of community participation so that families gain both a sense of self-help as well as value for the home they build. In the last quarter, we helped two labourers and and one buffalo trader to build their homes. Since 2008, we have helped 39 families build homes.

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