Ali Hasan Mangi Trust

Primary School Opens

April 1, 2010, Khairo Dero: The Ali Hasan Mangi Campus of The Citizens Foundation’s primary school opened in the village of Khairo Dero, district Larkana, Pakistan today. A total of 120 children were enrolled; 60 in nursery or pre-school, 30 in kindergarten and 30 in class one. The plan is for these same children to progress through the grades till they get to class 5 so that they have a strong educational base.

Since our building still needs some more time to be completed, we are using classrooms at the local government school for now so as not to waste the entire academic year. School will close for the summer break at the end of May and when the children come back in August, their new building will be ready.

The Citizens Foundation is distributing school supplies and uniforms and all the children will be given school bags on behalf of the Ali Hasan Mangi Memorial Trust.

The children and their parents are so excited to be part of the new school. We would like to thank our donors and supporters for all their help, efforts and encouragement. The people of Khairo Dero send their blessings and prayers.


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