Oct. 19, 2009, Khairo Dero: The construction of Ali Hasan Mangi Memorial Trust’s primary school in collaboration with The Citizens Foundation is well underway. The boundary wall has almost been completed and workers have begun excavating the area as well.
The Citizens Foundation has pledged to complete construction early in the year so that the first batch of children can start when the academic year begins in April 2010. You’ll be hearing from us again through our regular updates about how construction is progressing. Meanwhile do write to us at mt@alihasanmangitrust.org with your feedback and suggestions. We’d love to hear from you.
We would like to thank you all for your unwavering support and generosity. This school will be as much yours as it will be ours and we would love for any of you to visit once it is up and running. And thank you from the people of Khairo Dero, who send their gratitude and blessings.

Boundary wall

Excavation at the site