Ali Hasan Mangi Trust

Wheelchair Donated to Young Student

Oct. 28, Khairo Dero: Shehzad Ali Memon is a 15-year old student with a zeal for education. Afflicted by polio in both legs, he is unable to stand or walk, but Shehzad would struggle each morning to push his broken wheelchair to the neighboring village of Bungel Dero, about five kilometers away, to attend school where he studies in Grade 9. “I want to grow up and become something,” he says. “I will get a real job and be independent.”

Till then, he works at a tailor’s shop in the evenings as an apprentice to help make his family’s ends meet.

Shehzad’s old wheelchair didn’t have a seat. He had improvised by tying jute bags to create a makeshift seat. It also didn’t have tyres and was rusted and broken. Ali Hasan Mangi Memorial Trust donated a new wheelchair to Shehzad and he is very happy that he’ll be able to make it to school each day with much more ease. Thank you to our generous donors.


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